Prince Edward County Public Schools

Harnessing the PowerInfluenceWeightof Data for Positive Change

In Focus: Office of Student Assessments

The Office of Assessment oversees all assessment administration for Prince Edward County Public Schools (K-12). Our office ensures that all federal, state, and local testing guidelines are in compliance. We provide training to testing staff to ensure all testing security procedures are in place at each school site. The Division Director of Testing (DDOT) serves as the point of contact between the school division and VDOE. The DDOT has division-wide responsibility for implementation of SOL test procedures. School Test Coordinators (STC) are responsible for implementing SOL testing in their assigned school building and work closely with the DDOT.

Office of Assessments

Below is a list of assessments administered by the Office of Assessments for Prince Edward County Public Schools

Standards of Learning (SOL)

The Standards of Learning (SOL) for Virginia Public Schools establish minimum expectations for what students should know and be able to do at the end of each grade or course in English, mathematics, science, history/social science and other subjects.

SOL tests in reading, writing, mathematics, science and history/social science measure the success of students in meeting the Board of Education’s expectations for learning and achievement. All items on SOL tests are reviewed by Virginia classroom teachers for accuracy and fairness and teachers also assist the state Board of Education in setting proficiency standards for the tests. (VDOE)

The administration of Standards of Learning (SOL) assessments is a cooperative effort involving the VDOE and educators and administrators in the commonwealth’s 132 school divisions.

Elementary Grades
Middle School
High School
Grade 3
  • Reading
  • Mathematics
Grade 4
  • Reading 
  • Mathematics
Grade 5
  • Reading
  • Mathematics
  • Virginia Studies
  • Science
Grade 6
  • Reading
  • Mathematics
Grade 7
  • Reading
  • Mathematics
Grade 8
  • Reading
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Civics & Economics
  • Writing
End of Course
  • English 10 Writing (Required by all students)
  • English 11 Reading (Required by all students)
  • Algebra 1 (Required by all students)
  • Algebra 2
  • Geometry
  • World Geography
  • World History 1
  • World History 2
  • Virginia and US History
  • Earth Science
  • Biology (Required by all students)
  • Chemistry
Students will test in the associated class until they meet their required verified credits. Federal testing requirements require each High School student to take Reading, Algebra 1, and Biology end-of-course tests.

All students enrolled in Virginia public schools are expected to take the applicable state tests. The Virginia Board of Education Regulations Establishing Standards for Accrediting Public Schools in Virginia state:

"In kindergarten through eighth grade, where the administration of Virginia assessment program tests are required by the Board of Education, each student shall be expected to take the tests" and "each student in middle and secondary schools shall take all applicable end-of-course SOL tests following course instruction" 


The regulations do not provide for what is sometimes referred to as an "opt-out policy" for students regarding the Virginia assessments. If, however, parents refuse to have their student participate in one or more of the required Virginia assessments, then they should contact the school in writing of their desire to refuse to test.

Other Specialty Type Assessments Administered Throughout the Year May Include:

  • Growth Assessments
  • Benchmarks
  • Screeners
  • Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP)
  • WIDA English Language Development
  • Balanced Assessment Plans (BAP)
  • Performance Assessments Verified
  • Locally Awarded Verified Credit (LAVC)
  • Special Awarded Verified Credit (SAVC)
  • Substitute Tests