Prince Edward County Public Schools

Carving Pathways for the 21st Century Learner


Prince Edward County Public Schools' Career Readiness and Work-Based Learning (WBL) initiative is designed to prepare students for college, career, and life readiness. The initiative is characterized by a series of educational courses, along with corresponding educational experiences, that match a student's career interest. A student's career interest is determined early in his/her middle school experience. Once decided, the student is placed on a pathway that guides and accentuates future experiences.
Our High-Quality Work Based Learning (HQWBL) program contains three essential components:

  • Alignment of classroom instruction to that of a workplace learning pathway
  • Application of academic and technical skills in a recognized framework (Domains)
  • Support from a designated school-based point of contact (POC) and/or workplace mentor (Supports).

To learn more about the three key components, please click on the "Clusters and Pathways" tab located under the Work-Based Learning dropdown tab.